Hypermobility Treatment – Ehlers Danlos

If you have hypermobile joints or a formal diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos, we create a personalized care plan combining exercise, manual therapy, taping and movement retraining to get the prescription right for your treatment.

Pain Relief – We use a combination of low force hands on techniques to help with muscle and joint pain, along with scar tissue remodeling.  Additional realignment tools such as pelvic blocks, taping, self mobilization and resets are used.  Some techniques utilized include schroth, muscle energy, SOT, mulligan and mckenzie methods.

Stabilization/Strengthening – I have a detail oriented rehabilitation approach that takes into account the need to balance muscular tension in order to help your body stabilize.  All exercise is one-on-one with progressions and peelbacks for any exercise to meet your body at its starting place, building a foundation for long term results.  A combination of traditional rehabiliation/strength training augmented by schroth, McKenzie MDT, DNS(dynamic neuromuscular stabilization) and SFMA.  I also integrate external pelvic floor rehabilitation prompts when needed to continue pelvic floor therapy into more advanced strengthening.

Reaction Time – Our rehab approach integrates reaction time as an essential part of holding you together.  We use visual, vestibular and body awareness prompts to work on the software side of body stability.  This improves reaction time, preventing injuries and making your movements more efficient and pain free. Its an often overlooked but crucial part of putting the pieces together for a stable body.

Taping – Taping is one of the best tools to help with hypermobility, it supplies body awareness/reaction time, supports muscles/tendons/ligaments, helps swelling/lymph drainage and adds support to the body until the muscles can stabilize the joints.  I utilize a variety of tapes to match the need and skin type of each person.