Schroth Scoliosis Treatment in Pittsburgh

When a patient presents with a scoliotic spine, my treatments are guided by Schroth exercise and analysis to maximize their improvement.

I have completed the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Concept by Rigo Basic Certification Course  and am certified in the Schroth Best Practice Method of Dr. Hans-Rudolf Weiss,  one of few clinics in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania to specialize in Schoth Scoliosis therapy.

Integrating their technique into my spine treatment has been essential in providing the individualized care that a scoliotic spine requires for realize full therapeutic potential. Whether its is direction spinal pain or the need to build a better base for a hip, shoulder or knee problem, fine tuning the exercises to a person’s individual structure is essential.

The prompts and exercise modifications carry over into regular fitness routines and help fill in the gaps which are inherent in a spinal curvature.  The results from treatment enhance standard exercises from core routines into zipping up the body for large dynamic movements.